We are delivering our beans locally FREE of charge!

See below for the roast menu and descriptions currently available at the roasters warehouse & shop!

How to Order:

1.) Check out the available roasts on this page below. We have an array of different roasts for purchase right now. We could run out without being able to give much notice, so feel free to ask what other options there are.

2.) Click here to fill out the order form & send to our roaster

3.) We can deliver beans directly to your house if you’re in our area, pick up at the shop, or inquiry about long-distance orders

-Beans can be delivered pre-ground or as whole coffee beans.

Available Roasts:


–All of our flavored coffees can only be delivered as PRE-GROUND. Whole beans are not currently available for delivery (flavored coffees only)–

–Our flavored coffees are made with various methods(infusing/aging/blending) and never sweetened–

–These coffees can be enjoyed both black or with any of your preferred additions of cream and/or sugar–

-Keep checking in to stay in touch on our current flavored coffees(Blueberry, Banana, Pumpkin, Spicy Mayan Chocolate, Hazelnut, Cinnamon Hazelnut, Peanut Butter, Java Jamaica, Chocolate Raspberry, Bourbon Barrel 269)

Featured this season is our new & improved recipe for this pumpkin flavored coffee. (Available as pre-ground only)

Scribbles special - Infused with blueberry extract, no sweetener added

This roast is favorited in downtown Kent’s #1 best breakfast/brunch spot, Over Easy! Maybe this coffee will trigger some sweet nostalgia, a walk down memory lane, or the sun shining across the Kent State University Campus. Nothing like sipping on this with some french toast or hot pancakes in that cozy diner.

Barista tip: If you sip it on it everyday when you are trying to get calm & centered before a study session or work day, the strong blueberry fragrance can take your right back to that space each time that you brew a new cup–an ”Olfactory Memory”.

Scribbles Special - We have a limited supply of this roast right now. It’s like a banana fell into brownie batter (a happy accident, no?) Get it while it’s ripe.

Scribbles Specials


Our Decaf:

Concerned about the use of chemicals in the decaf process? Our Mountain Water Process Honduras is a crowd-pleasing decaf coffee choice. It’s sweet and flavorful and can pass for a non-decaf coffee–No chemicals. No caffeine. Awesome chilled-out beans!

*Bird-friendly 𓅓 *Certified Organic ❁ *Certified Fair-Trade ♥

To learn more about the differences between more common ways of making decaf beans and our Mountain Water Process check out our blog post!


Bird & Bear (blend)

Scribbles Ultra Special Blend

Tasting Notes: Baker’s Cocoa, Fig, & Blueberry

This is a signature blend of specific coffee beans hailing from Africa. It is a highly favorited roast throughout the year when available. We named this roast after two of our kids, Mo the “Bear” and Phoenix the “Bird”. So its not just another blend… Its a blend that’s beautiful enough to have our kids names attached to it.


Scribbles Blend (french roast)

Tasting Notes: Smokey, Chocolate, Walnut, Brownie

Made of African & South American Beans this blend is dynamite for those that want their morning to start with a kick just from the aroma swelling from that brewer.


Bourbon Barrel 269 –



Framing the collision of artisans.

Our 4th batch of the 2020 Bourbon Barrel Aged Coffee Beans is now available. We at Scribbles have harnessed and honed in on the art of infusing coffee beans with classic bourbon whiskey. We charm our South American high grade coffee beans with local distilled whiskey from Tom’s Foolery. Its an amazing task that takes patience and care. We craft it because it’s an art form. Thats what we do. We craft artisanal coffee creations from start to finish. Commitment at its finest.

(If you want to go the extra mile then brew it as a cold brew and give it a splash of Bailey’s Irish Cream.)

Tasting Notes: Smooth Caramel, Chocolate, Black Cherry, Pleasantly Strong aroma, Bourbon

Light Roasts

Ethiopia Kembata

Tasting Notes:  Peach, Strawberry, Blueberry, Milk Chocolate.

Story: Kembata Natural–So much of the coffee farming world is unrecognized. This is a bean that requires intense farming practices that we will never contemplate as we enjoy a cup of it. We at Scribbles aim to obtain coffee from specific farms and hope to shine a light on them. You should go after this one no matter what preference you have.

This particular farm is Located in the Durame Village of Kembata, Ethiopia. We are more than proud to claim it as a stellar option to any coffee enthusiast.

Guatemala Natural Santa Isabel

Tasting Notes: White Chocolate, Cherry, Raspberry, Vanilla

One of the most respected and conscientious estates in Guatemala. With a protected nature reserve on their farm they are also completely organic. This is a very hard one to get our hands on so consider this one on your list of must haves from the Scribbles Roastery.

Uganda Natural Rwenzori

We can’t say enough about this Ugandan natural processed coffee bean. If YOU are a lover of light roast coffees that confront you with pleasant aromas and surprising characteristics, then here’s one for your mug.

Tasting Notes: Plum, Malty Cocoa, Banana & Strawberry

Story: This amazing bean comes from an amazing cooperative and is grown at a 6000 feet altitude.

Learn about the Ugandan Famers and cooperative where Scribbles Coffee Co. gets this wonderful bean from by clicking the link! :

Kyagalanyi Farmer’s Cooperative

Medium Roasts

Mexico Chiapas Bella Vista :: Medium Roast ::


At Scribbles we take pride in transforming the coffee supply chain. Rosalba Cifuentes Tovia owns and operates this coffee farm that sits at 4,000-5,000 feet altitude. We specifically make it a goal to obtain this specialty coffee for all that it represents for women in the coffee business. Enjoy the aroma and tasting notes of toasted marshmallow and caramel. It’s a favorited coffee here!!


River Blend

Scribbles Special

Tasting Notes: Mild Chocolate, Fig, Caramel

Origin: South America & Africa

Looking for a calm blend that isn’t bold and strong in aroma? Here’s our River Blend. Just like the Cuyahoga River across the street from our shop, it remains pleasant but still a calm force to recognize by name.

Brazil Forca cafe

Tasting Notes: Cherry, Milk Chocolate, Caramel

This coffee took 2nd place in the Brazil Cup of Excellence and that says a lot in the mass amounts of coffee that come out of Brazil. I love using Brazil coffee beans as an excellent base for espresso. And I mean excellent base! This one, however, is more than great for espresso but it makes for a wonderful drip coffee that you’ll be glad you woke up to.

Dark Roasts


Tasting Notes: Ginger, Chocolate & Cedar

Grown by the indigenous Toraja people at elevations between 1400 and 2000 meters above sea level. It has long been recognized as the premium coffee grown on the island of Sulawesi. A distinct and favorited roast here in the Scribbles Roastery. A dark roast lover’s treat. Be good to YOU!

Plastic Pouch Packaging MockUp-SUMATRA.png

Sumatra Mandheling

Tasting Notes: Herbal, Licorice, Low acidity, Awesome Aroma

Story: “Mandheling” is not a region but a people. This coffee is named after the Mandailing people that traditionally farmed and processed the coffee beans in the Tapanuli region. Later, the word spread to Japan, and then the name stuck as merchants began inquiring about the purchase of Mandheling coffee from Sumatra.

Peru Cafe Feminino

Bold & Pleasantly Strong

Established by over 450 women, this female-owned Peruvian CO-OP took control of the economic power found in THEIR coffee. Take charge with Scribbles Coffee Co. as we support the empowerment of women at the forefront of business ownership and leadership.

This is the darkest roast that Scribbles Coffee. Co. produces. The amazing feature of this particular bean is that it’s wonderful at any roast level and its diversity is worthy of experimentation. We will start off with Cafe Feminino as a French roast option. If you’re aiming at a smokey but not “burnt” taste, this is the cup you’ve been wanting. Its pleasantly strong but far from overbearing.


Peru Cafe Feminino

Bold & Pleasantly Strong


More could be on the way! Watch our facebook page for the latest updates!


syrup trio step back


These are the naturally flavored syrups that we used to make most lattes and other flavored drinks that were sold at the shop pre-quarantine. They are sweetened. Please feel free to call and ask if you have questions about how you can use these syrups at home, fun ways to spice up your at home joe, or how to make a drink similar to one found at Scribbles.

All bottles come at 750 mL, sealed.


  1. Coconut

  2. Rose

  3. Lavender

  4. Vanilla

(while supplies last, all inventory subject to change* just ask! :-) )